June 2019 Holiday Workshops for students, by trained former MOE school teachers
Max 5 students for our workshops Get proper attention and care from us! 1) PSLE Math 2-day workshop with Mr Lim - Topical review of critical concepts (Day 1) - Reviewing list of “must know” solving strategies for PSLE with worked examples (Day 1 and 2) - Applying Mr Lim’s step-by-step solving strategies for word problems (Day 1 and 2) - Evaluating common misconceptions (Day 2) 2 hours each session, 0930-1130 over 2 days 1st run: 10th and 12th June 2nd run: 17th and 19th June 2) English Creative Writing with Ms Tan P4-P6 Characterisation Develop characters in your stories and make them come alive. P1-P3 Storytelling with Visuals Learn about plot development through story sharing with Ms Tan and create visuals to retell the story in your unique way. 2 hours each session 1st run: 11 June 2nd run: 25 June P4-P6 1000-1200 P1-P3 1400-1600 Feel free to contact us about the workshop fees and any other details! If you have friends who are keen on these workshops together, but are not able to attend on these days, please contact us to arrange something mutually convenient! Facebook and Instagram @getitrightsg WhatsApp 91548314 or send us an email [email protected] #singapore #tutor #clementi #sunsetway #bukitpanjang #classroom #tuition